

作者:朱圣勤 | 分类:其他 | 字数:115万

第405章 海上生明月之二十七

书名:当烟云散去 作者:朱圣勤 字数:1587 更新时间:2025-02-18 02:12:59

26. The Ferry of Life(生命渡船)

Standing at the window of years, look into that faraway ferryboat of life, travelling through the tunnel of time.Blessings on your unshakable faith and perseverance.


27. Dramatic life(戏剧人生)

Changing are years, but human nature has never been changed for thousands of years. The good, evil, beautiful and ugly of human nature have been deducing the various binations.

Love doesn’t live in my heart. The devil tempts me to be envious, to scheme against others, to seek personal gains, to struggle for power and to disturb the world so that even fowls and dogs are not left in peace.

The world’s true feelings call on me to run after and wipe out the devil.




28. Wealth(财富)

All that can be used in the world will be your wealth, such as sunshine、air、 water、life、 love、 friendship、 laughter and music.

Have more wealth than money and you’ll be the happiest person in the world in the real sense of the term.


29. The Circle(圆)

Taking money as the centre of the circle and desire as a radius, draw a circle. Man, who moves on and on on the circumference, can pare favourably with the Lady in the Moon, not knowing the ing of old age.


30. Without equal(无与伦比)

She is pure beyond pare. What else do you want to have pared to her? Cleanness (noble-mindedness) or dirtiness (narrow-mindness)?

